
“Writing helps take me away from it all.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class never fails in inspiring and helping me along in my writing journey.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’ve been able to learn more about myself and have the ability to go within.” 
– Steve M., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Expressing myself verbally is hard; this class helps me express things easier and recall my childhood.”
– Terry S., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The writing prompts are challenging, and I’m able to see things from a different perspective now. The Indiana Prison Writers Workshop is depth-oriented. Our facilitator is great about getting things out of us, which is helping me heal.” 
– Trey M., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The Indiana Prison Writers Workshop is thought-provoking and profound.” 
– Henry L.,  Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I learned that I can!  Ideas flowed freely when I broke through the walls that held me back. I’d questioned whether I’d be able to do this and if I’d be able to put myself out there subject to other people’s judgment.  I found that what I’d written, be it my memories, introspection, or just wild flights of fancy, I’d written it for me.  If other people like it, wonderful.  But if I liked it, it freed me. I learned and I grew. Many good memories were released and much confidence was gained.  This was good for me and more than just happiness, this has brought me joy.”
– Steven S., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student (Alabama)

“I used to place value on my writing based on other people’s opinions. Then, I joined the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop at Branchville Correctional. Ms. Mallory, the facilitator, was the first person I allowed to see my writing. I had been incredibly self-conscious. She encouraged me to take my writing seriously and saw something bigger in myself. I learned how to be vulnerable. When I transferred to Plainfield Correctional, I learned the same program was being offered, and I jumped at the opportunity. The facilitator, Ms. Caroline, is just as instrumental, and I continue to grow. My writing is evolving.”
– Daimon C., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student 

“Indiana Prison Writers Workshop helped me gain the confidence to share my writing with others without fear.”
– Ron P., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student 

“After going through this creative writing workshop, it’s easier when writing home to my kids because I’m able to use more creativity.”
– William W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student 

“Please, please, please continue to make this class available to the offender population throughout the state of Indiana and beyond.” 
– Nate, Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student 

“The Indiana Prison Writers Workshop has taught me to be a better listener and connect deeper with my family and community.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student 

“The past 4 1/2 years taking the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop has been the highlight of my life. Soon I will transfer to level one and make my way toward re-entry. A big part of this class is going with me.”
– Rob C., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I appreciate this creative writing class and the prompts we write about. They make me confront myself in a way I have never done before. Thank you again for challenging my thought process.”
– Trey M., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This workshop is the best thing that has happened to the prison system in a long time; it changed the way I looked at and perceived the situation I was in. Very happy to see that it is still flourishing.”
– Danny S., former Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’ve been more willing to share the things I write and it makes it easier when writing to my kids. It’s helped me come out of my shell a bit.”
– William W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I wrote more, with more confidence, than I did prior to this class.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Not only does this class teach me about writing, it also calms me and makes me feel better when I am here.” 
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I feel like I grow with every class, and I can’t wait to see what will be in store for me now.”
– William W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I will never forget this class; it helped me break out of my shell.”
– G. Parker, Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I feel this class has helped me grow and learn more about myself. It has given me tools to improve myself.”
– Rick D., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I really appreciate this program and had the chance as a third-time participant to witness others grow and develop their creative writing skills.”
– Nate W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I have grown so much in this class. It has been so beneficial to me as a person. This class will build you up.”
– Nate W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I have learned so many things about writing: character development, poetry, and screenplay structure. This class has helped me relax myself, and helped open my eyes to things I didn’t notice before. I want to thank Tiffany and everyone who put this class together.”
– William R., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“In college writing reigned supreme, but after college everything seemed to have died in prison. But then one day I saw “Creative Writing” posted on the window in my housing unit and I jumped at the opportunity to write and learn again and to be critiqued by a qualified instructor. Now that I’m in the class, I look forward to the sessions. Creative writing turned on a light that otherwise rested in the off position. It allowed me a newfound freedom to express ideas and stories of life that heretofore laid dormant. To me, the creative writing class means new life and new hope.”
– Bill A., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“After returning home from Vietnam, I started drinking. I had never received counseling and so Indiana Prison Writers Workshop became my therapy.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student (51 years incarcerated on a life sentence)

“Because of the creative writing workshop, I’ve been able to think things through better.”
– Dorian S., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Writing helps me with my mental health.”
– Bryan S., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Writing has brought me greater fulfillment and reassurance that I am a good writer.”
– Ryan M., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The creative writing workshop, unknowingly, helped me begin to journal and as a result I’ve been able to express my addictions more freely.”
– Johnathan C., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Reflection — through the writing process — is important in recognizing my triggers.”
– Johnathan C., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’m grateful for Indiana Prison Writers Workshop. Danny S., my better half, went through the program and uses what he learned to help my children with their schoolwork — showing them better ways to write.” 
– Brittany J., Family member of Indiana Prison Writers Workshop participant

“Having Indiana Prison Writers Workshop offered at the prison has allowed me to open up parts of myself that I didn’t know existed. Now I can’t help but write a little each day.”
– Chris M., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“These classes have enhanced my understanding of the process of writing. Writing has become therapeutic for me and it helps relieve stress.”
– Aaron G., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Since participating in Indiana Prison Writers Workshop, I have written more letters home because of the creativity I’ve experienced in class.”
– Aaron G., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Today marks our last creative writing class! I can attest to the importance of the dazzling amount of information taught. From poems, short stories, and other forms of writing; Indiana Prison Writers Workshop has helped me grow personally. I hope to enroll in other classes where I can continue to develop my talents.”
– Fion W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I can see how beneficial and inspiring this course could be to others.”
– Fion W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Kristina gave us a safe space to write and I began to write from the heart. It was really comforting.”
– Jeremy R., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class gives us a place of positivity while in prison. It feels like another world and has helped me express myself from things I had once bottled up.”
– Anthony G., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class helped me get away from prison life. In reading other people’s stories I’ve gained different perspectives.”
– Andrew S., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

– Being a participant in the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop has helped me when it comes to writing home to my kids. They are young and love getting letters from me.”
– William W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Since attending writing classes with Indiana Prison Writers Workshop, I have undoubtedly improved my writing skills. I no longer have the fear of others reading my work. This class was a blessing to me.”
– Zach G., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I am better prepared for the future as a result of the workshop. Writing papers for school will no longer intimidate me. The way the class was facilitated was better than I could have hoped for.”
– Zach G., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’ve slowly come out of my shell through the IPWW classes. I’m no longer secluded and able to communicate better.”
– Michael K., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I have experienced great self-growth through Indiana Prison Writers Workshop classes. I’m grateful for Mrs. Tiffany and everyone who played a part in making this class happen. I’ve learned so much and am in awe that this was part of my success while in prison.”
– Nathaniel W., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’m reading from a different perspective. This class has opened up a new way of looking at literature.”
– Michael K., Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“After being incarcerated at the age of 59, I soon found the need to release my thoughts that were grinding away at me. I had found an outlet that I hadn’t used since high school. Then, I joined the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop. Writing became my newfound outlet. I have Ms. Debra to thank for that. Her encouragement kept me focused and positive and I continue to write to this day.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Having a group of people listen to your inner thoughts and appreciate it really builds up confidence to keep going and keep writing.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The workshop helped me improve my public speaking skills like tone and pace. It challenged me to go deeper and bring what’s in the dark out to light on a creative level.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class gave us lucky few a chance to focus on writing.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Indiana Prison Writers Workshop has been a sanctuary for my thoughts and has a calming influence on my entire being.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The creative writing workshop not only allowed me to nurture my ability to write more but to feel comfortable sharing my words with others.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The workshop gave me the space to write my own autobiography. I hope to get it published. I am forever grateful for my experience here.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Having a safe environment allowed me to open old doors and begin writing from the heart.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Creative writing has given me a positive venue to share my brokenness while I sift through the debris of my past without shame or regret.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“To me, the creative writing class means new life and new hope.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class offers a refreshing outline of the vast creative writing genres – but more than that, it offers a home of encouragement, growth and freedom.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The creative writing workshop provided me with hope. Those who maintain just an inkling of hope in their soul can move mountains, even if the mountain is resting on top of them. You may come out from that mountain broken, but you’ll be alive, but without hope, that mountain will grind you to powder.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“This class has not only helped me become a better writer, but has also helped me combat the symptoms of my depression and has given me strength to open up and be more expressive.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“You never let me get away with any of my self doubts. You always knew the right words and the right timing to get me to dig deeper within myself and let those thoughts out.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Hands down I’m a better writer because of the vibe and attentiveness and honesty of this class. Thank you for everything, Professor! Your passion has changed my whole life.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I feel this creative writing class unleashed a lot of thoughts that were built up inside of me.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Built up anger, avoidance of emotions, silence of my voice from fear of judgment/exposure. This workshop allows me to be vulnerable, to empty my gut, relax my mind and free my soul: happiness, sadness, freedom—that’s the value of creative writing to me.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Your class will be something we’ll remember forever. It has helped in my quest for personal redemption and growth.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge how much you’ve educated, challenged and encouraged me. And I’m glad that I signed up for all the non-measurable intangibles.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Thanks to the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop I’m working on my first novel. I don’t know if or when I would have started if it hadn’t been for this class.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“Indiana Prison Writers Workshop gave me peace of mind. I have now come to the end of my term in prison and I am so glad that I was able to be part of this program. It motivated me to try new forms of writing. I have no doubt that anyone who takes this workshop will become more articulate, sharp and influential through their writing.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I’ve been wanting to pursue a career in writing. When the creative writing workshop was made available to us I knew it was an opportunity I couldn’t miss. The instructor opened my eyes to new ways of being descriptive in writing which is essential in my area of talent. She not only challenged us but also led us to expand our vocabulary.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“I was excited to attend the creative writing class each Sunday, and as a result I can express myself now and no longer hold it in. I have learned a lot from this class. For instance, I never knew writing could reveal so much about myself. Thank you for helping me get rid of the pain I held inside.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“The things that matter most in life cannot always be counted and measured and the things that can be counted don’t always matter that much. So, on that first Sunday on October 22, 2017, I told myself that if I get anything out of this class it will lead me to write a short story, and I did. I can’t even front – I had no idea what I was walking into but I gained so much. And now I am writing a novel.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“There was this little question that Miss Debra asked – that had some big answers. What makes a good story? She brought us together with a profound and elemental truth about good storytelling that galvanized the 5 senses that are simple, true, and relatable. And in that very moment I was sold. This makeshift classroom brings a little piece of home my way each week.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

“If you were a bird…those five words had me gone before I even heard all the details of the writing prompt. Never disregard the seemingly insignificant. Through the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop, we were immediately given permission to see ourselves as majestic creatures that come and go as we please, fly free, and feel the wind beneath our wings.”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student

….”And I’m not even sure if she knew that the question was bigger than getting a glimpse of our personalities – being introverts or extroverts – when she asked us if we’d fly with a flock or branch off on our own. Because to me she was saying, “Go ahead caged bird and sing your little heart out!” How else could I explain the kind of freedom I felt in that little writing exercise?”
– Indiana Prison Writers Workshop student